Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Saturday, March 5, 2011


We had some yesterday.  It began thirty minutes before Lexie's six month check up.  I put her in the center of the bed while I was in the bathroom.  She began fussing.  I knew she didn't need my immediate attention.  Next thing I hear is two thuds.  Rushing out of the bathroom I found her on the floor face down.  She cried strongly for five minutes or so then wanted to nurse.  I underestimate her ability to get around.  Lesson learned.

Next came the appointment.  FOUR shots at this one! That included the flu shot.  I had no idea flu season lasted until June.  We talked to our Doc about the fall.  He says-  I'm 99.9% sure she's okay.  You need to watch her very carefully over the next 48 hours.  Make sure she's not confused or lethargic.  Wake her up 2 times per night. Keep an eye on her behavior for the next 2 weeks.  WHAT?!??!?  2 WEEKS!!!  Yes, a concussion can show up two weeks later.
Before the appt.
Daddy comforts me

Sippy Cup
Alexis is trying to get the hang of the sippy cup.  She doesn't quite get it.  Mostly, she chews on it.  We she manages to get the water she spits it out.  We'll keep trying!

Chicken Pot Pie
  A success.  Next time I'll use less bread and fresh vegetables.

Mom!  I said I'm ALL DONE!

Please laugh with us...
We went to Becky and Andrew's house for bible study this week.  They just had their floors redone.  They're beautiful and super slick.  You see where this is going?  Yep, Josh fell down the stairs.  His toe went through their wall.  We laughed the whole way home.  I wish I had a picture to share.