Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The First Two Weeks

Cameron Grant Riser arrived two weeks ago today.  Born January 12, 2013 at 5:19 am 8 pounds 13 ounces 22 inches long.  He left the hospital weighing 8 pounds 5 ounces,  four days after birth he was 8 pounds 11 ounces, and  twelve days after birth he weighed 9 pounds 11 ounces!!  I have been very busy, but luckily not at night :)    Cameron eats every 2-3 hours in the day, starting at 7am.  Between 5pm and 10 pm I let him cluster feed to store up for the night.  He goes to bed for the night between 9 and 10 pm and sleeps a six hour stretch. 
He is a calm and observant baby.  He cries only during baths, when it's time to eat, and when his sister hits him in the head.  He sleeps a total of 20 hours a day with three distinct wake times.  One in the morning, afternoon, and night.  I try very hard to follow the Eat, Play, Sleep pattern during the day, although he prefers to sleep through some of his "play".  Right now I'd say we have a pattern to our day vs. a schedule.  It is predictable and I like that.

Here's a peek into the first two weeks:
Happy Birthday!

Meeting for the first time


Eating together

First Bath- He HATES them!

Big Feet

Life with Little Brother

This is where he sleeps at night

A trip to the Children's Museum

Excelling at Tummy Time

Sleeping through Tummy Time

Alexis sharing a book with Cameron

Lucky Ducks!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

40 Weeks Pregnant

how far along: 40 Weeks.  1 1/2 cm dilated, 75% effaced, -2 station
how big is baby: The fundal measurement is 37 week.  The midwife guesses his weight at 7lbs 3 ounces.  She says he is long and in correct position for birth.
weight gained so far: 39lbs.  I gained 5 lbs this week!!!!!  And I am SWOLLEN!

Belly Button in or out:  Halfway in and Halfway out
stretch marks: No, and everyone who has seen my belly (nurses and midwife) comment on how "pretty" it is.  I got lucky there...thankfully it's winter so my swollen legs and all their veins aren't showing.
sleep:I get up twice every night around the same time to pee.  The rest of the night I spend flipping from one side to the next.  Lots of nights I wake up to mild cramping.

best moment of the week: Showing up at Labor and Delivery at 11pm on New Years Eve for monitoring.  I was on my way to get ice for my finger which I had burned on hot glue and in the process tripped over the dog.  It is standard procedure to get monitored for 4 hours.  My favorite part was Josh's sarcastic response to lighten the mood "I guess I should stay here so one of us can get some sleep"  Kate, my sister, thought he was serious!!!
food cravings:no
looking forward to: Getting this show on the road.  If I am still pregnant on Thursday Jan. 10th at 4:15 pm the midwife will strip my membranes.  Hopefully that will get things going.  Her advise to me today was: plan something everyday, stay busy, pretend like you'll be pregnant til he goes to kindergarten.  In other words- Forget about giving birth and having a newborn.  Easier said than done, but I will give it a shot.  
I really do believe in the natural route;  however I'm finding I was more an advocate for it at 20 weeks than I am now :)