Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

37 Weeks Pregnant

how far along: 37 Weeks
how big is baby: The fundal measurement is 36 weeks
weight gained so far: 34lbs
Belly Button in or out:  Halfway in and Halfway out
stretch marks: No!  Although, I do have my fair share of varicose veins.
sleep:I'm restless at night.  Who isn't at this point?
best moment of the week: Anytime someone mentions "baby" to Alexis she comes over and lifts my shirt up to show them.  This happened in Bath and Body Works this morning!
food cravings:no
looking forward to: Going in to labor on my own.
Not looking forward to:  The lack of sleep that comes with a newborn

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lexie's Life Schedule- 25 Months

8:00-8:15- Wake up

8:15- Breakfast.  Her favorite is a frozen waffle with butter.  Sometimes (rarely) we get out of the routine with a hard boiled egg and some fruit.

Monday morning we have a play date with Sophia (16 months old) She lives across the street. After that we go to the Chiropractor for a weekly adjustment, then we go to the gym.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and every other Friday we head to the gym after breakfast and then onto a play date or to do errands.
Thursday is school from 9-11:45
The 2nd and 4th Friday of the month we have MOPS.  Alexis has her own kids program, while I hang out with other moms.  We usually meet up with Daddy for lunch at Panara or Chipotle afterward. 
Saturday is never the same anymore.  Josh and I usually get a workout in.  It's fun to have one spontaneous day.
Sunday is church from 9:30-11:15.  Once a month Josh and I teach in the toddler room.  The rest of this day we try not to do any work or plan anything.  We just hang out at home.

12:15- Home for lunch

12:45- Watch a show usually Super Why

1:15- Read books and then nap time

4:00/4:30- Wake up

4:30- Play or do a learning "project" with Mommy

5:00- Independent play in the kitchen or living room while Mommy prepares dinner.

5:30- Daddy's home!!!

5:45- Dinner

6:15- Play, Play, Play or another outing- the park or frozen yogurt :)
Tuesday is swim from 6-6:30
Wednesday is small group from 6:30-8:15 or so

7:30- Bath Time

8:00- Read books, turn on the fan, lay on the floor, say Bible verses, pray, get in the bed, turn off the light, sing lots and lots of songs, go to sleep.  Alexis is very attached to this bedtime routine.  She notices if she is being rushed or if there is one minor change.

What a life she has!  In a couple of months this busy toddler's schedule will be turned upside down with the arrival of  her brother Cameron Grant.  I'm trying to get her in school one more day a week. It will be a huge adjustment for this family to learn how to stay at home again.

Alexis is learning colors, letters in her name, coloring in the lines, how to count to 20, and how to sit still for a long book.
We are also working with her on sharing, saying "yes" instead of "yeah", general manners, how to introduce yourself, and how to obey- which is always the first time you're asked anything else is not obedience!

That last one is the biggest challenge. 
This is the way I've been teaching it 90 % of the time: 
1. State what I want- (Please go put your shoes in your room)
2. Alexis does something else
3.  I say "you did not put your shoes in your room,  Mommy will help you practice."  I take her and the shoes to her room... then say "this is how you obey!"
4.   Take the shoes back to the original spot.
5. Give her a chance to succeed at obeying.
6. Lots of praise if she does it.  Time out if she does not.

It's exhausting, but it works...for now.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

26 Weeks Pregnant

how far along: 26 Weeks

how big is baby:We don't know.  The external measurements show 21 weeks, same as my appointment four weeks ago. 

weight gained so far: 22lbs

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep:I'm restless at night.  We need a king size bed for the next 3 months.

best moment of the week: They all involve Alexis!  She brought a truck and a yellow block over to my belly and said "won't chu play with me baby broder?"

food cravings: Mostly anything I don't have to prepare

looking forward to: Seeing the baby on an ultrasound next week.

Not looking forward to:  Pitocin.  I hate that drug.  

Friday, September 28, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Baby Tools

Listed in no particular are some of my favorite things:

Diaper Genie- Keeps the bad smells away.

Baby Bjorn- Josh and I used this everywhere!  Anytime we were out and at home too.

Infant Travel Bed-  We traveled so much when Alexis was a baby and this came in handy.  I used it in the airport and at restaurants. It doubled as a small play area.

Coffee- For the caffeine.  I drank 16 oz a day while pregnant and an unlimited amount while nursing...It never made a difference in Lexie's behavior.  For that I am thankful.
Pacifier- When babies are little they need to suck.  I wasn't thrilled about being the sole source of sucking.  My babes will always have this available!!!!

High Quality Nursing Bra- Most of mine came from Target, BUT I had one high quality Medela nursing bra that made all the difference in how I felt.  Worth every penny.

Video Camera- To capture all the "moments"

Break Away Sheets- These are useful in case of a major spit up, throw up, or diaper leaking episode.  They snap on the railing of the crib and act as a barrier between the baby and the crib sheet.  Our crib sheet has never been washed due to this lifesaver.

SwaddleMe Baby Wraps- We got a couple as a baby gift and I thought they were the silliest things I'd ever heard of until I tried them.  The baby stays nicely wrapped up.

Nurse Carol- A visiting nurse provided through the local health department. I wouldn't even consider having a baby without a Nurse Carol.  She came once a week when Alexis was a newborn to check growth and help with anything else that was going on.  I'm looking forward to seeing her again soon!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

29th Birthday Fun

First I should begin with a couple of 23 week pregnant shots.  For those who don't want to think about it, that's 6 months :)

 Now for the Birthday fun.... 
A week out, I knew the general idea of the surprise, but didn't know any details.  Saturday at 10 am it began.  Josh gave me five envelopes with Google map directions to a specific address and directions on the back.  I was given strict instructions to not read the directions until I got to the address. Everything I needed for the event was either pre-paid or included with the directions.
A stop at Starbucks for a Pumpkin Spiced Latte. 

Directions to the #2 location- The nail salon.  Josh and Alexis pre-paid this one earlier that morning. Alexis got all excited because she thought she was getting her nails painted- What 2 year old expects these things!??!?!  O, yeah, I created that...oops. 
Resulted in a manicure- 1st time ever with a real color on my fingernails

And a pedicure- My poor feet are always swollen these days :(

Stop #3 was next and by this point I was beginning to really get into it.  At first, I admit, there was a little resistance on my part.  I have a slight control problem that, I felt should not have been confronted on my 29th birthday, or the day after.  That's the honest truth.  Judge away- I deserve it.  Anyway... #3:

One of my very favorite Omaha restaurants
A peaceful lunch.
Because of a slight mix up between #3 and #4 I had to call Josh and get it straightened out.  I knew all through lunch that my next stop was Barnes and Noble to pick up a pre-paid item.  This one really caught me off guard.
Here's what I found. 

This book was written by one of Josh's history teachers at Montreat College and  published in 2009It had come up in conversation one day when we were discussing EMP's (Electromagnetic Pulses- a weapon which could be used to attack America)The book tells a story of how a small American town is affected by an EMP.  I wanted to read it because of the personal connection to the school and location. 

Here's how the author describes Montreat College " A small college, six hundred kids, most of them from small towns across the Carolinas and a few from Atlanta or Florida.  Some of the kids were freaked out by the relative isolation, but most of them grudgingly admitted they loved it, a beautiful campus, a safe place, an old logging trail across the edge of the campus leading straight on up to Mount Mitchell, good white water nearby for kayaking, and plenty of woods to disappear into for partying for some of them, to get around the fairly strict campus rules."

His descriptions of Black Mountain and Asheville are perfect.  They make me miss home.  You all should read the book!

 Stop #5 was home to take a nap, BUT, I could not resist my favorite cookie shop on the way home.   I stopped there to pick up a peanut butter cookie for myself and a couple of M&M ones for Alexis, one of her favorite babysitters, and Josh.

After a short nap Josh and I went to my other favorite Omaha restaurants- Roja.  We made a trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart to pick up a mattress for Lexie's new room, picked up a movie at the local Redbox, and headed home.

What a fun day!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

22 Down 18 to go

how far along: 22 Weeks

how big is baby: size of a Papaya

weight gained so far: 17 lbs- YIKES!!!

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep: Now that we're home from our never ending east coast trip I am sleeping on schedule.  Night time and one nap a day.  There's no place like home!

best moment of the week: Alexis laid down to measure her belly at the latest appointment.  She's such a cutie!

food cravings: I am hungry all the time- for anything.

looking forward to: I can't believe I'm saying this: Cooler weather.  What has happened to me?

Not looking forward to:Eating more protein.  The nurse practitioner took one quick look at my diet log and determined that I need more lean protein.  She followed that with- "but, if you have to eat bacon and sausage every morning, do it" 
She's right.  Those types of conversations make me feel satisfied that I switched from an OBGYN to a midwife.   

Friday, August 10, 2012

A trip to Houston, TX

Kristen tries to put Alexis to bed

Day One- The Houston Zoo

How cute

Watching Kristen keep up with Alexis was hilarious.  Two strong wills collide. 

Alexis LOVED Kristen

Playing in the big girl room.

Face painting at the children's museum.  How fun.

She wanted to do it by herself!

Still working

The kittens

Kristen is so grown up! 

Washing hands was her favorite activity.

Tickle, Tickle, Tickle, Kitty!!  Lexie still remembers this game and plays it by herself in the backseat.

Children's Museum-The second day

My little artist

We had a great time visiting Houston.  When we got off the plane Kristen was sitting separate from her parents and I had to take a second look to make sure that was her!  She is so grown up.  When we arrived Kristen had some welcome projects waiting on us.  Here are two of my favorites:

I'm so glad we had the opportunity to visit.  Kristen was a huge part of my life for two years.  She taught me most of what I know about young children and helped shaped the mother I am to Alexis.  How fun it was to see who she's growing up to be.  Thanks for the fun trip!

We're Having a Boy!

Outside the hospital

how far along: 18 Weeks

how big is baby: the size of a sweet potato

weight gained so far: 12 Lbs

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep: I've been getting up too early!

best moment of the week: The ultrasound for sure.  It lasted about thirty minutes.  My favorite part was seeing his little hand open and close.  The 3-D pictures were pretty neat and turned out perfect this time.  The placenta is looking healthy so far- good news!

looking forward to:Getting the 18 hour drive to North Carolina behind us.

Here are some pictures from the afternoon.  We wanted to find out as a family outside of the Dr. office.  Those 4 1/2 hours were full of anticipation for all of us!

The splash pad was a nice distraction

Alexis and I took the gender picture to the HyVee bakery, had them wrap up the correct color cookie, and hide it in the bag. 
You little SNEEK!!!!!
Almost ready

She loves to open "presents"


THE most disgusting cookie I've ever eaten

Josh double checks

It's true!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

This is me, 15 1/2 weeks pregnant, on our fifth wedding anniversary.  Getting bigger for sure.  I am busting out of my regular clothes. It surprises me how quickly I began showing and how big the belly is for each stage.  With Alexis the belly was that big at six months!

A little late...

how far along: 16 Weeks 3 days

how big is baby: the size of an avocado, about 3 1/2 ounces

weight gained so far: I'm guessing 10 lbs.

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep:tossing and turning all night!

best moment of the week: Yesterday Josh felt the baby kick for the first time.

food cravings: nothing I need

looking forward to:  Touring the birth center and meeting the midwife (next month) and the baby doubling weight in the next couple of weeks.
What I miss:  Feet that aren't swollen

Thursday, July 19, 2012

25 Weeks TO GO!!

how far along: 15 Weeks

how big is baby: size of an apple, probably a small one

weight gained so far: I think I'm the same as last week so a total of 8 lbs.

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep: not much- Josh has been traveling

best moment of the week:Alexis is into pulling up my dresses to say hi to the baby.  That's fine with me at home, but if she does it in public it will become the most embarrassing moment of the week.

food cravings:  All the bad stuff I'm trying to stay away from

looking forward to:  Touring the birth center and meeting the midwife

Not looking forward to: Breaking up with the Doctor

What I miss: Happy Hour drinks and summertime Margaritas

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

About The Birth

Who is going to be with you? Josh, possibly a doula, a nurse, and a midwife.

Are you going to video tape it? Heck no!

Natural or medicated?: Hopefully natural.  That depends on the pitocin situation.

Do you think you will cry when you first hold your baby?: No, I'm not emotional about happy things.

Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold it?: Hi?

Are you scared about the labor?: Now that I know I probably won't die during child birth I'm not scared.  I am scared of the drug Pitocin. 

Do you have a name picked out?: nope, not a one

Is your baby going to be named after anyone?: no

Where was your baby conceived?: At home

Have you felt the baby move?: Yes, more with each day that passes

What was your first symptom?: Night sweats

Will you have godparents?: No, the child has plenty of aunts and uncles

What is the baby's room theme?: ABC's- the baby is moving into Lexie's nursery and she is getting a "big girl room"

Are you ready to be a mommy?:Since I already am, yes.

What do you think the baby will be a "daddys girl/boy" or a "mommys girl/boy"?: For the first year- all Mommy because that's who carries the milk.  We'll see after that.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A New Activity

Two and a half weeks ago Alexis and I began an early form of homeschooling.  I knew she was ready to start learning formally because she has responded well to other "little projects" we have done together.  I'd been looking into a couple different options, read a lot of reviews online, and finally came across this free curriculum!

It is wonderfully simple!  Each week we have a theme, vocab word, letter, number, nursery rhyme and shape or color.  We sit at the table sometime after nap but before Josh gets home and "do a ittle project"  (Lexie doesn't say the "l" sound yet- it's so cute)  I love the structure it brings to the day and I really love that it keeps her mind busy and her body out of trouble.  Most of all I love teaching! 

I've also got her working on the scripture memory from church.  I had high hopes of one verse a week, then decided to stick with one every two weeks.  She knows "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty.  The whole earth is full of His glory."  There are signs that help her remember- She knows she so cute doing it and always claps at the end and says "Good Job exie!"  She doesn't get what it means right now, but I know she'll remember it when she's older. 

I didn't take pictures of the first trial week themed-Cows.  Here are some from our second week- the Jungle:

Lexie's a monkey!

Which B is big?  Which B is little?

Helps us remember what to do.

An art project and the number book we are creating together.  Lexie helps me color the dots.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Alexis Kate's Birth Story- Final

A year late, but better late than never :)  Here's the story of the actual birth:

September 1, 2010
We arrived at the hospital birthing class shortly after eating a delicious dinner at Paradise Cafe.  This was the final class and the first one Josh had attended. It was completely pointless.  The topic was newborn care which means how to swaddle, how to strap your kid in the car seat, how to give a bath, signs of  postpartum depression, etc. Common sense took us much further than this class!

We left the class early to get checked in at the hospital for the induction.  That was completely nerve wracking, especially the IV part.  Thankfully the nurse was confident and she gave me good hints how it would hurt less (like relax and breath).  At 10pm the doctor on staff came in to insert the pill on my cervix so it would soften and be ready for all the pitocin I would get in the morning.

I remember them telling me not to eat anything else until the baby was birthed and I thought that was the most outrageous thing I'd ever heard.  Also, I didn't know at the time, but I'm hypoglycemic- no wonder the thought of starvation sends me into a mini panic attack! I talked about it so much, the midwife finally said I could have something small in the morning if I was discreet about it.

They wanted me to sleep that night.  That's easier said than done.  All these things were beeping around me and I was having some contractions, just enough to keep me awake.  Being in the hospital around all the medical "stuff" made me think I was close to death.
Josh was sleeping just fine on the tiny couch.  I wanted someone to talk to, but I also knew the he was running on empty and needed to rest for the next day.  After five months away I was happy to have him next to me, talking or not.  I finally drifted off in the early morning hours. 

September 2, 2010

Morning arrived.  I think I woke up around six am.  They were ready to get the pitocin started.  I sent Josh to get me toast, peanut butter, and a banana.   I don't know if that qualifies as something small, but I felt much better knowing that I wouldn't be surviving on those disgusting jello shots and juice.

The pitocin started and I began to feel contractions...I thought they hurt at this point.  Little did I know they would get so, so much worse.  The nurse asked what my intentions were for an epidural- I said no, knowing that I could always change my mind.

I spent the morning in pretty good spirits.  We were laughing and talking in between the minor contractions that were coming about every 4-5 minutes.  I was walking the halls with Josh and the IV, occasionally stopping to check email or post a status on Facebook.
The midwife came in around noon to check me and I was only at 2 cm.  We decided it was time for a water break. That was really painful!  And the water gush was weird and gross feeling. 

After that things really began moving along.  I was experiencing contractions one minute long and only 30-45 seconds apart.  It was a crazy feeling to have no break in between.  The rocking chair was my favorite place, although I was getting some back labor from it.  We called the midwife back to help me through.  She walked in asked me a few questions and told me it was time to get out of the rocker and do some exercising.  I explained I was on the verge of puking with every contraction, yet I wanted to show her I was willing to do what it took- so off we went to walk the halls.  With each contraction she would have me stop, hold the rail, and imagine I was running up a big hill.  I kept crying to her that running is way easier and doesn't even compare.  After the contraction she had me Plie (a ballet term meaning move up and down at the bend of your knees), then we would continue walking.  As we rounded the corner back to the room I puked all over the hall.  She said we didn't have to do that anymore and I was so thankful.

For the next part- still nauseous,  I got on the birth ball and went into survival mode I wasn't talking or laughing.  I was showing signs of transition even though I was probably only at 3-4 cm dilated.  People around me kept telling me to relax though the contraction, but with no time in between I could only focus on the next one.  I began begging them to turn the pitocin off.  When that didn't work I asked for the minor pain meds.  The midwife suggested that I not take those.  Trusting her, I told them to get the epidural. No one argued with me.  That was perfect.  If someone had said no, I would have turned even crazier than I already was.  The epidural was there so fast.  The anesthesiologist worked quickly to get it in between the 30 second contractions. 

4pmish- I laid in the bed and waited for it to take effect.  It began working on my left side pretty quickly but not on my right.  Lexie's heart rate dropped.  They turned the pitocin off immediately, it was so quiet in the room and I could tell it was serious.  That didn't work, so they turned me to the right.  Her heart rate began to come up.  It's a really strange feeling to just have contractions on one side of your body.  I told them I still felt it, and they turned it up, the pain subsided a little but never went away completely.  That was fine with me- I was just happy to have 60% relief!

The rest of the time was a blur- I was on my back breathing through the pain.  They would come in to check me every so often.  Around 7-7:30 I was breathing pretty heavily and feeling a lot of pressure by 7:50 I could tell that something had changed, I told the nurse, she checked me and told me I was ready to push.  I explained to her that I was not pushing without the midwife who she had already called, but hadn't arrived yet.  I had found my strong personality match as her reply was something like- "that's fine, but you body is going to have this baby whether you push or not"  Luckily through all that the midwife came in. 

She put both her hands in my you know where and began to stretch me with some slippery stuff which helps the baby slide out without trauma to the mama.  Then she told me when to push.  It worked and with about four pushed Alexis Kate was born.  They immediately gave her to me which I felt was pretty disgusting since she was covered in ickiness.  I was very concerned that everything was okay with my body and that I wasn't going to die. 
It wasn't love at first sight with Alexis. Most newborns have to grow into their cuteness, she was one of them.  I definitely felt protective of her and was in awe of how I was carrying a baby in my body and all the sudden she's here in my arms. 
I think it's safe to say it was love at first sight with Alexis and's interesting because it shows in their relationship today. 

We were in Office Max last week when out of the blue she told the sales man "I'm a Daddy girl!" 

Well, that sums up the birth of Alexis complete with all sorts of run on sentences, I'm sure :) Sorry, I don't love editing.

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Exciting Life of Alexis Kate

Bounce U

Last week our home-school theme was cows with calf being the vocabulary word.  Alexis walked into Chick Fil A and announced "I'm a calf!  MOOOOOOOOOOO!"  Seriously, everyone could hear her.  I was proud and embarrassed at the same time

The Chick Fil A Express in the Mutual of Omaha building opened to the public on November 30, 2011. This was our first visit!

Mommy Cow


True Chick Fil A style- a balloon, a stuffed calf, and friendly customer service with lots of "my pleasures"
This video is part of training for Chick Fil A employees.  Also a good reminder for us.
Every life has a story...