Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Weekend

We began our weekend with a quiet Friday night at home.  Skipping small group was the best idea because Lexie was still recovering from being sick.  Josh and I finished watching the series Jericho.  It's too bad the show only went two seasons.  Probably good for our marriage, though.  All we did for two weeks straight is watch Jericho.  Tonight the TV will be moved out of our bedroom.  I'm sure it will return next winter.

Saturday was a big work day!  My favorite kind of day. Not so much for Josh who was busy hanging things on the walls, submitting our taxes, and revising the budget.  Once the work was done we headed over to Kelley and Wade's house to have a play date with their little boy.  
Workin' on my crawling skills
Playing together
Sunday we found these great deals at a local consignment sale.  I'm thinking of going back on Saturday for their 1/2 price day.  The leap frog toy was my favorite find. $3!!!  And Lexie LOVES it.  She can roll the ball herself and when she does it sings her very favorite song-The ABC's.  The ball also sings a variety of other songs and tells the letter sounds.  A great educational toy.  We also have the fridge magnet set from Leap Frog, which I highly recommend to all parents with children 0-4.  

Still couponing!  15.68 at Target.  The Jello Mousse Chocolate Mint is AMAZING and it's only 2 Weight Watcher points.  The baby socks were free along with some other items below.

We are STILL living through this weather.  I really want to move.  Everyday.  BUT, I have a lot to be thankful for.  This time last year we had no idea where we would live.  It could have been anywhere in the US.  So I prayed that wherever we were sent that God would go ahead and set up a community for us.  Amazingly he did that.  I had a mom friend a week after arriving. A month later, Alexis was born and we had two weeks worth of meals being delivered to our house.  Two months in, I was introduced to another mom through our house nurse.  We got connected with our church once Alexis was old enough and we know lots of people there.   The Lord answered a year long prayer.  That's pretty cool. Of all the places to live the Midwest is not the worst. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lexie girl is sick with a double ear infection.  She's on the pink medicine now.  She fights it for the first time ever.  
I feel a little mean when I pour it in her mouth and then have to clamp her jaw shut to make her swallow.  Tonight's gonna be a long night...

Sick day

Our baby girl is sick.  Yuck!  She was acting a little strange yesterday and running a fever last night.  We treated it with Tylenol.  This morning she seemed fine.  We went about our day, which included a surprise trip to Menards.  While we were there I noticed she was much more lethargic than usual.  After returning home I took her temp-100.1 under the arm. Called the doc and we have an appt at 4pm.  Daddy is coming home early.  I'm thankful to have the support.  At the moment she is calmly swinging in her "sick swing"- She only goes in there when she's sick... any other time she hates it!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We've been so busy this past week! The weather today has forced us indoors.  This gives me more time to catch up.  I got a little behind on the cleaning schedule because of all the warm weather days.  That's okay.  It's more of a guide than anything. Today I'll catch up.

Last night we met some of Josh's work people at The Drover.  It's famous for the Omaha Steaks.  Josh was very excited about the dinner and I have to admit I was too even though I don't like steak.  It was a very strange place to eat.  The lighting was so low, I felt like we were in a dungeon.   I asked for a highchair for Alexis and all they had was a booster seat.  I tried to enjoy my salad while holding our squirming baby.  Finally I decided she would be okay sitting on the floor.  She lasted maybe five minutes down there playing with the toys that she could hardly see.  We were the youngest by two decades.  Josh said the steak was amazing-The best he's ever eaten.  It should be for the price!  It's safe to say we won't be going back with Alexis.  They made it pretty clear babies are not welcome!

Nurse Carol made a visit to our house today.  Alexis is 17 1/2 pounds!  Wow!  She's getting so big to be approaching seven months.  I think I'm almost ready for her to drop the middle of the night feeding.  Baby steps!   She's officially done with the pacifier.  I may end up giving it back next month when we fly to NC.  We'll see how the sippy cup is coming along.  If she's doing well with that, I can have her drink out of it during take off and landing.  I am going to dilute a bit of juice in the cup to get her motivated to drink.
The most recent food introduction is prunes.  So far, Lexie hates them.  She puckers her face up and shakes her head.  It's pretty funny :)
I've added some more signs:
Outside, Inside, fish, bird, and walk.
She still only does "all done".  We'll keep working!!!

I finished the Mem Fox book about reading with children.  It's always full of good reminders for me.  I'll read it again in a year or so.  Now I'm reading the book There Are No Children Here by Alex Kotlowitz.  It's about two boys who grow up in a Chicago housing project.  I don't know why, but I am drawn to stories like this.  True stories about urban poverty.  Weird.  It's so far from how I grew up.  Thank God for that.  Seriously.

Here are some pictures from our week:

$1.26 HyVee

A St. Patrick's Day walk with Daddy

Learning about animals

Cute chicks!

On the porch-Outside!!!

Playing in the living room

Which toy should I pick?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

What does this mean for us?  Nothing.  I was going to dye our dinner green, but with all that I'm trying to get done today, I'm not feeling very festive.  I'll save it for next year when Alexis is old enough to care.  I did buy Josh a green shirt at Goodwill, which I'm surprised he's actually wearing today.  When Alexis wakes up I will try to find her something green to wear :)

Speaking of Alexis and waking up...She's been sleeping in lately til 10 or 11am.  She's still going to bed at 8 pm.  I feed her at 9pm, 3 or 4am, and 7am.  She also has a 2 hour afternoon nap.  This is my favorite schedule so far.  Too bad it won't last long.  

Yesterday we went to the zoo.  Here are some pictures:

Alexis loves to be in her stroller.  She calmly takes in her surroundings and occasionally I will her talking.  She says:  "ba, ba, ba" and "da, da, da".  

I hear Lexie crying...better go get her up and ready for the Y!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

2011 ACC Champs

DUKE!!!  Third year in a row and 10 of the last 13. What a game!   We left church fifteen minutes early today to watch the game.  In our defense the message had just ended.  That's the excitement of the day.  Even Alexis is excited!

We went to Evelynn's first birthday party!

Helping Mom Wrap
Now I will destroy it.
At the party with my friend

The Birthday girl and her Mom

Friday, March 11, 2011

A beautiful day in the Midwest

The sun is out, birds are chirping, and my favorite part it's 62 degrees!   This morning Alexis and I went to MOPS for their annual MOPS swap.  A brilliant idea.  I took 20 items in and walked out with 15 new (to me) items.  I got five toys for Alexis, three outfits, three pairs of baby shoes, a baby book, a bag, and two shirts for me!  

The presenter at MOPS today spoke on family travels.  She said in the last 16 1/2 years their family has gone on 85 trips. Wow! That's a lot!  She gave lots of good tips on preparing for the trip.  Her family loves traveling to Disney and they DRIVE.  24 hours.  I don't think I could ever do that.  Especially with children.
Last night our table group met for dinner.  It was a much needed break!  I returned to a peacefully sleeping baby.  Josh worked his daddy magic and got her down for the night.  I didn't expect that he was going to do that, and, to be honest, I thought I was the only one who could put her to sleep at night without a fit.  I see many more nights out in my future!!!   

The cleaning schedule is coming along nicely.  In addition to the daily tasks, I have dusting and vacuuming on the list today.  My favorite part about the schedule is I don't feel guilty for not cleaning all day.  I just do what's on the list and I'm done for the day.  Freedom is what I feel :)  So far, I highly recommend it.  

Josh would like me to tell the world that he can bench 300 pounds.  In high school this was his life long weight lifting goal...and he reached it! I think that's pretty exciting.  Of course, the goal is higher now.  I think 315, and he wants to be able to dunk a basketball in 40 weeks.  Thankfully, these goals can be accomplished at work and don't interfere with our family time.

I would like to know why Alexis is determined to take all of her naps on her belly.  It gets on my nerves because it's bad for her neck and I have to keep checking that she can still breath.  At least she's sleeping.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cinderella, Cinderella

Last night I decided that I spend too much time cleaning and thinking about what needs to be cleaned.  Today I began a daily/weekly schedule.  I love schedules, routines, and lists (especially completed ones).  I'm hoping by following this schedule I'll have more time to be with Alexis.

Here's a confession.  Our kitchen has not been deep cleaned since the house cleaners were here at the end of August.  Don't judge me-I just had a baby!
It took me two hours to clean the kitchen this morning.  The whole time I was screaming things like  "How disgusting!" and "I can't belive this is my house!"  I discovered that those pampered chef scrapers are great for scraping off old crusty food in the microwave.

Tomorrow I have to deep clean the master bathroom.  

Reading with Alexis...
Her favorite book is How to Build a Snowman It's a tactile board book for ages 0-3.  She loves to feel everything and eat the pages.  I got the book at Dunwoody Methodist's book sale while I was pregnant.  It's very appropriate for where we live.  I can't wait til we can make a snowman outside just like the one in the book!

Mem Fox says:
"Children who are read to early and regularly quickly acquire the skill of listening and the desire to hear stories.  They understand the immense pleasures waiting for them in books and develop the ability to concentrate and relax."

I wonder what age they begin to concentrate and relax?

Singing to Alexis...
It's the only way we can get her dressed for bed at night.  We sing a variety of songs.  Her favorite is the ABC song.  I don't know why, but her face just lights up every time we sing it!

Here are some pictures of our fun this week:

Mom likes to see me in my big girl clothes
Target $27.08
Original Price $68.21

Helping Mommy put my soap away
Crustless Quiche
Enjoying my mobile.  It'll be gone soon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Day Off?

We were up every two hours with Alexis last night.  She is on a nursing strike, probably because of teething issues.  It's not fun.

These are the days I think of 101 ways to move back to the East Coast.  Where it is sunny and there is family.

My Chief Executive Officer told me I could have the day off.  I asked if he was staying home to do my job.  He quickly answered with a "no".  My reply:  "There is no day off then!"  However, I am taking off from all duties not related to Alexis.
I am thankful to be a stay at home mommy.  I can't imagine how working mom's stay up all night and work the next day.

This morning I made a shutterfly birth book for Alexis.  It's my first of hopefully many.  Alexis will love having her very own book.  I created it in simple language so that in a few years she will be able to read it for herself.

Today the Joy of the Lord and a touch of caffeine will be my strength.     

Birth Book

Click here to view this photo book larger

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Official

Well, sort of.  For the past five Sunday's we've been taking the RISKS class at church.  Yesterday we finished the class and had an interview with one of the Elders to become members of the church. Our name has to go before a board before it's official.  I like the church a lot.  I've heard the pastor say they don't allow perfect people there.  Good thing, cause we're far from it.

The weekend was productive and fun all at the same time!  Our taxes are complete...that's a relief.  Especially because it turned out to be a better situation than we thought.  We'll be buying a furnace and air compressor for our town home with the refund.  This year Josh did our taxes, which saved us $130.  I'm pretty sure it will never happen again.  Too much of a time commitment.  Some things are worth the cost.

We spent Saturday night with our friends Carrie and Seth.  Carrie was introduced to me by Nurse Carol.  We have a lot in common.  It's great that our husbands get along.  Seth is a computer geek like Josh.  They have tons of boring stuff to talk about.  While we were at their house the Duke/Carolina game was on.  Duke lost. Josh didn't have a meltdown.  Progress.

Sunday is our day of rest.  The second half anyway.  It was spent playing with Alexis, taking naps, and watching the movie Megamind.  I bought curtains at Lowe's.  Josh played basketball at the Y.  A good day.  Can't wait til Saturday when the curtains go up!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


We had some yesterday.  It began thirty minutes before Lexie's six month check up.  I put her in the center of the bed while I was in the bathroom.  She began fussing.  I knew she didn't need my immediate attention.  Next thing I hear is two thuds.  Rushing out of the bathroom I found her on the floor face down.  She cried strongly for five minutes or so then wanted to nurse.  I underestimate her ability to get around.  Lesson learned.

Next came the appointment.  FOUR shots at this one! That included the flu shot.  I had no idea flu season lasted until June.  We talked to our Doc about the fall.  He says-  I'm 99.9% sure she's okay.  You need to watch her very carefully over the next 48 hours.  Make sure she's not confused or lethargic.  Wake her up 2 times per night. Keep an eye on her behavior for the next 2 weeks.  WHAT?!??!?  2 WEEKS!!!  Yes, a concussion can show up two weeks later.
Before the appt.
Daddy comforts me

Sippy Cup
Alexis is trying to get the hang of the sippy cup.  She doesn't quite get it.  Mostly, she chews on it.  We she manages to get the water she spits it out.  We'll keep trying!

Chicken Pot Pie
  A success.  Next time I'll use less bread and fresh vegetables.

Mom!  I said I'm ALL DONE!

Please laugh with us...
We went to Becky and Andrew's house for bible study this week.  They just had their floors redone.  They're beautiful and super slick.  You see where this is going?  Yep, Josh fell down the stairs.  His toe went through their wall.  We laughed the whole way home.  I wish I had a picture to share.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Target $.81
Alexis on her half B-day

Sitting next to Mommy while we get the oil changed

I like to put these feet in my mouth
Playing on Mom and Dad's bed before a bath

Those were some pictures of all the fun we've had this week!  Alexis is more enjoyable with each day that passes, seriously, she is.  I'm finally to the point where I can't imagine life without her. 
Last night we were at the YMCA.  I went on a quick run, outside :) while Josh worked out- weights.
Alexis loves her other baby friends at the Y.  My run only took 25 minutes and Josh had some more lifting to do.  I decided to spend some time with Alexis in the childcare area to get more of a feel for it.  When I went in Alexis was sitting up next to an 11 month girl and was just chatting away to her.  Cute!  It's nice to know that (for now) our girly girl is okay without us for a short time.

Today Josh will leave work early for Lexie's six month appointment.  I do not do shot appointments on my own!  When it comes time for the shots, I step out of the room and shove my fingers in my ears til it's over.  I promise, when Alexis is old enough to understand what's happening, I'll get over this and be strong for her. 

We have a glitch in the couponing.  First of all, Maxwell House Coffee is disgusting.  I bought it with a coupon, but even at five bucks it's awful.  Second, there are many coupons related to processed foods.  I'm gonna have to stop stocking up on those products.  Josh took his blood pressure last night and it was 149/96.  That's bad, really bad for his age (28).  I'm going to begin cooking with natural foods tonight.  It'll be chicken pot pie tonight.  Gross.  I'm not a big fan of southern food (Paula Deen gets on my last nerve) BUT I have all the ingredients in the house and hopefully it's low enough in sodium content for a main meal(about 700mg per serving).  Maybe I will change my mind about the dish.  

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another day at the Rizzer house

It is 10 am and so far Alexis and I have been very productive.  The grocery shopping is done, the mail has been mailed, dinner is cooking in the crockpot, the kitchen is clean, the sheets have been changed, the laundry is washing, and Alexis is putting herself to sleep.  The bad news is I don't look pretty.

This is not the norm at our house.  Normally by this time I am trying to drag us out of the house to begin whatever we have planned on the list.

The reason for this productive day is a phone call I received from ADT at 6:15 am.  They have our phone number mixed up with our tenants number and apparently the security alarm was going off.  Hope it was nothing serious, I will call her later today to check.

Today may inspire me to get up early everyday.  Then again, maybe not.  I kinda like staying in bed until the seven o'clock hour.

Getting back to the subject of Alexis putting herself to sleep.  I have decided that it's time to begin the process of ditching the paci.  She's not really attached to it anyway and prefers to scream herself to sleep.  I don't want her to rely on it much longer because I don't want to encourage the attachment.  As a newborn she needed it, I don't think she does anymore.  We only use it to put her back to sleep or when we're out and want her to be quiet.  Seems easy enough...I'll let ya know how it goes.

Here's another quote from the Mem Fox book on reading:
Page 17-

"...experts tell us that children need o hear a thousand stories read aloud before they begin to learn to read for themselves.  A thousand!  That sounds daunting.  But when we do the sums, it isn't as bad as we might think.  Three stories a day will deliver us a thousand stories in one year alone, let alone in the four or five years prior to school.  The ideal three stories a day are one favorite, one familiar, and one new, but the same book three times is also fine."

The objectives for Alexis today:
2 long and peaceful naps
Practice sitting up in three-five minute increments 
20 minutes of tummy time 
Read three books
Be kind to the ladies at the YMCA

Any other ideas for what a six month old could work on are appreciated.

One More Thing...
Happy Birthday to our good friend, Evelynn, who is one year old today.  We can't wait to celebrate with you next weekend!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We're celebrating Lexie's very first half birthday today.  She is such a big girl.  I think it's safe to say that she's grown out of the crying stage and has become one of the happiest babies I know.   We'll go to the doctor on Friday for a six month well check.  I'm guessing she's 16 pounds 2 ounces and 26 1/2 inches long.  
Mothering is much more fun now.  My favorite part  is the teaching and training.  The focus now is on signing.  We sign ALL day long.  For five months I have been doing this, yes, even before Alexis could even see my hands!  Here are the ones we're working on:

all done

While working in the school system I came across many parents who thought their children were much more advanced then they were.  Don't we all know people like that?  It drove me crazy.  I mean, these people would swear up and down that the kid would read 30 pages out of the dictionary every night, but when it came to school...the same kiddo couldn't even read the word d-o-g!
I am making an effort to be very, very cautious about saying Aleixs is soooo smart, and sooo ahead of herself.  Basically, I'd just like to live in reality.  
The past couple of nights I've been feeding Alexis on my own.  I noticed her doing this thing with her right hand and just blew it off.  Then, last night Josh was at the table while she was eating.  He saw the same motion-the one that means "all done".  She was trying to tell me something!  That was a great moment.  I should give her more credit, for sure!

Not only is it Lexie's half B-day, but it is also Dr.  Seuss' 107th birthday!!  How fun is that!  Dr. Seuss make me think of reading.  And when I think about reading, Mem Fox comes to mind.  I am reading her book Reading Magic for the fourth time.   It's all about how reading aloud to our Children will change their lives forever.  She inspires me to be a better "read-a-louder"  Here's a quote from page 15:

"Reading aloud to children early in life rapidly develops their speaking skills.  They don't lean to talk-they can't learn to talk- unless they're spoken to, which is why psychologist and speech pathologists tell us we need to have loving, laughing, deep-and-meaningful conversations with our kids long before they turn three.  These conversations have also been linked positively to IQ development.  The more we talk to our kids, the brighter they'll be.  Read-aloud sessions are the perfect times for engaging in these sorts of conversations because the reader and the listener can chat endlessly about the story, the pictures, the words, the values, and the ideas."

We will celebrate these birthday's with a dinner from Chipotle.  And...we're using a coupon! You can get one too.  
Just watch this 1:30minute video:

Eating  Green Beans
Waking up happy from a 2hr. nap

Lighting the grill for the first time in 2011