Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Baby!

Six weeks and already looking the part

how far along: 5 weeks 5 days

how big is baby: The size of a sesame seed

weight gained so far: I'm coming in at 3 lbs heavier than when I had Alexis

maternity clothes: No, but it won't be long

stretch marks: No

sleep: I've been waking up at 5 am to pee and about half the time I get back to sleep

best moment of the week: When I told Alexis I had a baby "in my tummy" and showed her she said "that's gross"  and then "that's dangerous".

food cravings: nope

looking forward to: Our doctor appointment at 8 weeks

Josh and I actually planned this one :)  We tried for two weeks and BAM!- A Baby!   I announced it to Josh through this picture through text:
He didn't believe me so then I sent this one:
And he likes to laugh that he found out through a text, but really we already knew. 
Two things clued me into the pregnancy right away:
#1- the hot flashes in the middle of the night.
#2- our dog, William, switched spots in the room to sleep RIGHT next to my side of the bed.  
He did the same thing in the beginning with Alexis and I thought it was so strange because of the strained relationship we have.

Over the next couple of days our family found out through Skype.  Two weeks later we announced to our parents on Mother's Day weekend with the picture you all saw on Facebook:


  1. so glad that you're feeling better....."you can almost pee in your sleep" made me remember having some "pee incidents" during my preg. times. Hope to see you in August.

  2. That's funny. I had some pee incidents when I sneezed later on...embarrassing, unless you're alone
