Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

7 Things We Don't Spend $$$ On

A post inspired by my favorite blog:

The Movie Theater
 The three or four times a month we get out together we'd rather be talking to each other. I'm sure we can all agree it's not the most comfortable place to watch a movie. 

Car Payments
We drive used cars that are paid for because we'd rather save the $250-$300 a month.  It means the occasional car repair and diligent maintenance.  Last year the neither cars had necessary repairs, just general maintenance!
Some would disagree, but toilet paper does the job here. 
Credit Card Interest
There's no getting around it.  
It's a fact:  Credit card interest is a stupid thing for us pay. 

Texting annoys the ---- out of me.  Why would I pay to be annoyed?  Josh has texting on his work phone, he deals with it.
Josh's Haircuts
My Sister-in-law (Megan, Mem, and/or Mrs. John Harris) taught me how to cut hair after Alexis was born.  Saves about $170 a year.

Car Detailing
This is the one I wish we paid for.  Cleaning a car is very labor intensive.  And how do they get dirty so fast?!?!?  One day it will return to the splurge list.

That's our list. What about you?

1 comment:

  1. We do buy tissues when necessary. Sinus surgery and good tissues were very nice together, and i did get the car detailed after the dog puked in it. But thankfully neither of those are regular occurances! We do not drink coffee or pop or subscribe to any magazines, so we save some money there. I love not having a car payment, and I shaved 3 heads this week... :o)
