Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2012



I found this idea online somewhere and knew Alexis would love it.  It was ready for her this morning as soon as we completed her morning routine:  Out of crib, out of diaper, into clothes, hair fixed, and usually water/juice in hand.

Getting Started

Can you tell she loves it?

Learning the colors.  This one is Yego.

Admiring her work

Showing it off
The rest of our day was a blur.  We are extra busy now that I have the OK from the doc to begin working out again.  I'm very happy about that!  We were at the gym for a couple of hours, had a fun play date at the park, a quick lunch, and then nap time :) 
Josh and I are both extremely lucky to love our jobs.  It sure makes for a happy home. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Update

12 Books for 2012

The Bible- This is an ongoing daily chronological reading for the entire year.  I have to be honest, February was a long month with some days skipped. I have learned so much through this book as I am reading parts of it for the first time.  My favorite part is that it has been arranged chronologically.  It's easier to remember the Big God Story if it is put in order!  I wonder why the regular Bible is out of order?  Does anyone know?
The Meaning of Marriage-Tim Keller
Water for Elephants- Sara Gruen
Amish Grace
More Than Enough- Dave Ramsey
Decision Points- George Bush
Nickel and Dimed- Barbara Ehrenreich
Dare to Discipline- James Dobson
Spiritual Parenting- Michelle Anthony- Currently reading this book.
A Love that Multiplies- The Duggars
The Money Saving Mom's Budget- Crystal Paine

Funny Lexie

My little Cinderella:
 Monday we had a play date at a friends house.   Lexie found the mop cloth and a spray bottle on the floor.  She picked them up, pretended to spray,  pretended to wipe the spray, and said "Clean up, all the time".  
That's my girl! 

Talking to Daddy:
Wednesday I called Josh for Alexis.  She grabbed the phone and said "Daddy home soon?"  I have no idea what was said on his end, but the next thing she exclaimed was "O, My Goodness!" and walked out of the room laughing.

A new twist to dinner time:
 Later that night we were eating dinner as a family.  Alexis was obviously done and getting bored with our conversation.  Banging her fists on the table was way more fun, but when that didn't get her the attention she was seeking, she stopped. She looked at us, and said "Come on everybody, Let's GO!"  We ended our dinner with a noisy table banging finale. 

Uncle John makes a pastoral impression on Alexis:
This morning we watched the lead pastor of CCC, Mark Aston, talk about the book of Psalms online.  I suppose Alexis thought we were on skype, so she said " Hi unca John!  How are you doing?"  She's only seen Uncle John four or five times in her life, but he must have made quite the impression.  Last week we left the church office and she said "bye, Unca John!" to Pastor Elvin.

19 months old and so verbally expressive!  I often catch the teacher in me saying "Stop and use your words, Alexis"  I'm realizing that's not realistic all the time because she is still emotionally very much a 19 month old. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

7 Things We Splurge On

We live 18 driving hours away from family.  Enough said.

I'm wondering if this is even a splurge.  It's on the list because not everyone has regular dates.  I see it more as an investment in our relationship.

Alexis trips all over the place in any other brand but Stride Rite.  Luckily I'm able to sometimes find them at consignment sales.  
For Josh and I- It makes sense to spend the extra because they last a lot longer. 

Really, I tried to go cheap with the Folgers.  Made me want to puke. Eww, so bad!   First thing I do in the am is walk to my coffee pot. I like coffee so much, I think about that warm mug before I fall asleep each night.  It's the little things that make life enjoyable...they should be good quality!  Hill of Beans is my favorite coffee shop in Omaha. 

Gym Membership
We want to have a healthy active lifestyle.  It would be really hard to do that In the Midwest with Alexis and no membership. 
Trash Bags
Josh does the trash.  He requests Glad with ties.  Not my area- What he wants is what he gets.  
House Cleaning
Not all the time, just about twice a year.  I call Molly Maids when our life gets super busy or when the cleaning is overwhelming me.  $110 saves my sanity.  I get a fresh start.  Worth every penny.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Shin splints- tried to run through the pain.  Finally decided to take a full week off.  

Thrill Seeker

A lesson in patience, she had to shop the entire consignment sale holding the dolls in the bag.  The second we stepped out of the store I opened them for her.  She likes to help retell the story of the patience she displayed. 

So happy to have her babies.  They hardly leave her side.

My Southern Girl-misplaced

See?  Dressed or not, they go with her everywhere.
More Coupon Adventures $12.20 after sales and coupons.  Regular Retail $36.89.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

7 Things We Don't Spend $$$ On

A post inspired by my favorite blog:

The Movie Theater
 The three or four times a month we get out together we'd rather be talking to each other. I'm sure we can all agree it's not the most comfortable place to watch a movie. 

Car Payments
We drive used cars that are paid for because we'd rather save the $250-$300 a month.  It means the occasional car repair and diligent maintenance.  Last year the neither cars had necessary repairs, just general maintenance!
Some would disagree, but toilet paper does the job here. 
Credit Card Interest
There's no getting around it.  
It's a fact:  Credit card interest is a stupid thing for us pay. 

Texting annoys the ---- out of me.  Why would I pay to be annoyed?  Josh has texting on his work phone, he deals with it.
Josh's Haircuts
My Sister-in-law (Megan, Mem, and/or Mrs. John Harris) taught me how to cut hair after Alexis was born.  Saves about $170 a year.

Car Detailing
This is the one I wish we paid for.  Cleaning a car is very labor intensive.  And how do they get dirty so fast?!?!?  One day it will return to the splurge list.

That's our list. What about you?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mrs. Faircloth: Creamy Vegetable Orzo

Mrs. Faircloth: Creamy Vegetable Orzo: This post is dedicated to my sister, a faithful follower of Mrs. Faircloth. 1Tbsp. olive oil 1onion, chopped 1greeen bell pepper, choppe...

Alexis Attends Easter Sunday Worship

Jesus said "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me."
Taking Jesus out of the box

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend Fun

Opening a package from Oma

Waiting on our friend Elizabeth to come over

Poor Josh

Best Bunny ever

Pat the bunny!  Pat, Pat, Pat

He danced

She loved him

Eating candy!

On the way to church

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Delicious, Protein Packed Breakfast Cookie Recipe

I'm in the process of making these for Alexis.  I replaced the coconut oil with butter.  Do you know how much coconut oil costs!?!?!??  A LOT.

Save Money, Live Joyfully: Delicious, Protein Packed Breakfast Cookie Recipe: It's always a challenge to get my daughter to eat enough protein in the mornings, but she's always in a better mood when she does. I found a...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Colorful Eggs

She knew we were doing something fun!

Watch and learn.

Maybe next year.

Taste test!

She sang: "Roll it, pat it, mark it A".  Thank you Alexis.

All of our colorful eggs!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Half Training

Over "half" way there!

I began training at the beginning of January.  Training came to a screeching halt with our DC trip and didn't start back until the very end of Feb.  That's how training goes. 

The race is May 20th in Papillion, NE.  It's going to be a blast!  My Father-in-law is running the 10K portion and Josh has decided to join him.  You can read the details here:

I'm up to 8.5 miles this week in my long run and 5 on the short ones, although, it feels pretty long to me!  This week I've been waking up to an alarm at 5:45 to get the training done.  In case your wondering, it is very dark at that time and a little spooky.  Fortunately, I'm able to head right out my front door.  I am greeted by a beautiful pond with colorful fountains at the end of mile one.  

Running around that pond gives me the inspiration I need to run up to the boring trail for the next couple of miles.  I turn around half way through, run back around the pond, and then finish the last stretch home.

This will be my second half marathon.  The first was in Atlanta, GA Thanksgiving day 2009.  Also, a month before getting pregnant with Alexis.
The training this time around is much easier probably because at 28 years old I am reaching my athletic peak. 
At the same time, it has been a huge lesson in discipline.  I don't have a running partner which means I don't have anyone to fall back on for motivation when I'm feeling "weak" or like I don't want to do it. 

My motto has become "Just do it" and when that doesn't work I think of how good I will feel when it's over, and when that doesn't work I dream about the glasses of wine I get to drink with the extra calories I'm burning. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First Egg Hunt

Waiting with Daddy
She said "hurray!" and "Alright!"

Would rather run than gather the eggs

In action!

Making a yummy iced cookie

And eating it!!!

One of her "spring" crafts from school

First official ER visit

Last Friday Josh and I dropped Alexis off at her friend's house while we went on a date at Urban Wine Company in downtown Omaha.
The weather was BEAUTIFUL so we sat on the patio and had lots of happy hour fun :)  
People watching, chatting about life, and dreaming about the future...perfect for a Friday night! 

As we were on the way to pick up the princess  we got a call that her fever had spiked to 105.  You can't imagine the panic I felt.  Five minutes away and it seemed like we'd never get there.  I knew she was in good hands, but still they weren't my hands. 

The second we pulled up Josh and I both ran in the house, scooped her up, and zoomed over to the closest ER.  On the way she kept saying (in the saddest voice) "poor baby, o, no"
She wants her Daddy when she's sick

Checking Oxygen levels

Watching TV after the meds began to take effect

After being assessed by the doc, he determined that it was likely a virus and we went home after about 2 hours.

She spent the weekend being pumped full of fever reducers every four hours, laying around, and watching endless hours of television.

We followed up with the doctor on Monday.  She was diagnosed with an ear infection.
Coloring in the doctor's office        

A couple of antibiotic doses later she was pretty much back to her old self!