Over "half" way there!
I began training at the beginning of January. Training came to a screeching halt with our DC trip and didn't start back until the very end of Feb. That's how training goes.
The race is May 20th in Papillion, NE. It's going to be a blast! My Father-in-law is running the 10K portion and Josh has decided to join him. You can read the details here:
I'm up to 8.5 miles this week in my long run and 5 on the short ones, although, it feels pretty long to me! This week I've been waking up to an alarm at 5:45 to get the training done. In case your wondering, it is very dark at that time and a little spooky. Fortunately, I'm able to head right out my front door. I am greeted by a beautiful pond with colorful fountains at the end of mile one.
Running around that pond gives me the inspiration I need to run up to the boring trail for the next couple of miles. I turn around half way through, run back around the pond, and then finish the last stretch home.
This will be my second half marathon. The first was in Atlanta, GA Thanksgiving day 2009. Also, a month before getting pregnant with Alexis.
The training this time around is much easier probably because at 28 years old I am reaching my athletic peak.
At the same time, it has been a huge lesson in discipline. I don't have a running partner which means I don't have anyone to fall back on for motivation when I'm feeling "weak" or like I don't want to do it.
My motto has become "Just do it" and when that doesn't work I think of how good I will feel when it's over, and when that doesn't work I dream about the glasses of wine I get to drink with the extra calories I'm burning.