Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Allison Claire Birth Story

December 23, 2016 at 4:23am Allison Claire Riser joined the family!  I will admit I am not a writer.  I have a hard time putting words to such an event, but having a record of this monumental time is invaluable. It must be done.

Background to the birth:
From a physical perspective the pregnancy went very well until week thirty five.  Alexis and I went to a routine exam at thirty five weeks to find that the baby was in a breech position.  The midwife sent me for an ultrasound right away to see how much amniotic fluid I had- this would determine whether or not I was a candidate for an external version.  We found a 5 lb 13 oz. baby and plenty of fluid.  I was scheduled for the version at Mission the following week.  In the meantime I was told to invert myself three times a day for fifteen minutes.  In addition to following this advice I went into full hippie mode, signing up for acupuncture, applying moxa every other day, chiropractor appointments, lots of lavender essential oil, ice/heat treatment, and praying around the clock that I would avoid a c-section.  Josh was a good sport.  It took him back to his childhood- still he joked that he would come home one day to find me walking around in Birkenstocks. 

Loooooong story short two days following this appointment I began to have consistent contractions and because they didn't want me in labor with a breech baby I was in the hospital for the version the next day.  Went to the version to discover via ultrasound that she was head down!!!  Went home and stopped all the baby flipping treatment. 

37 weeks- sure that she was breech again- Josh attended this appointment.  As the midwife was setting up the ultrasound machine I remember saying "I'm 50/50 on this position thing, let see if I'm right"  She applied the gel and put it on the lower part of my belly.  The second it touched me I knew.  The tears start flowing.  Another version was scheduled. I pulled myself back together, walked out of the office, and went back to hippie girl making it, once again, my full time job to flip the girl.

38 weeks- before the second version I got smart and went to the office (instead of the hospital) for yet another ultrasound.  Head DOWN!!!!  For the next two weeks I continued the acupuncture and chiropractic care to support the position. 

Now the actual story!
It is December.  Kate, Jason, and Abe flew in from Mexico so Kate could be at the birth.  I am so so glad she was there.  Leading up to the birthday there were lots of contractions.  For a solid week I texted Kate to say "maybe this is the day??". 

December 22 I woke up thinking this may be the actual day.  It was a clear crisp morning.  Even though it was cold, the sun was shining.  I decided a walk around Lake Tomahawk sounded good.  Our rental house was only a half a mile away but I drove in case my water broke or I ended up in some sort of distress on my walk alone.  My intention was another natural unmedicated birth.  I spent the three mile walk praying for the birth and releasing my fears-this sounds like weirdness, but it actually helped!  An hour later, home from the walk, we loaded up the kids for haircuts and a last minute shopping trip in downtown Black Mountain.  Side note- the guy that cut Josh's hair had been in business at the same location for 45 years!

At noon with contractions 15 minutes apart and pretty strong, I went to what would be my final acupuncture session.  She gave me the induction treatment.  I was relaxed, but didn't sleep like I had in the previous sessions. After the acupuncture I made a trip to Whole Foods for some clary sage essential oil.  Clary sage is disgusting.

I came home at 3pm.  Since it was a warmish day we headed out to Montreat park with the kids.  Last time Alexis was a the park she discovered a path- I walked with her on the path as she lead the way.  We eventually made our way back to the boys on the tennis court where the kids jumped in a giant leaf pile.  I was in love with the simplicity of the day. 

I had planned to cook dinner but I was feeling more like Mexican.   We made it to the Mexican place where I, for the first time in the day, beginning to track contractions on the app. It was apparent that the birthday will be soon.  Half way through dinner Josh admits his failure as a birth coach in not questioning my choice of Mexican.  It was really bad Mexican food too- Ole's Guacamoles in Black Mountain- yuck, don't go there. 

After dinner Josh began the bedtime routine with the kids alone while I bathed in a potion of essential oils.  The bath didn't last long because I was afraid I would stop the contractions.  Josh called his parents to give them a heads up since they were on call to watch the kids.  I called Kate who said she would come to the house.  At this point I am really afraid that I'm causing a bunch of drama.  What if it's not for real?!

Kate came over with a plan for what we should do.  I loved that because I was really wishy washy on what I thought I needed.  She had a list of things to prepare so it wasn't a last minute rush.  After loading the car with a couple things we headed downtown for a walk to get things going a little more.  It worked!   The town was decorated for Christmas.  I tracked contractions on my app while we walked.  We talked a lot, which was just the distraction I needed.  They were getting stronger, lasting 30 seconds and 7-8 minutes apart.  After an hour of walking we drove back home. 

We got back at 8:30 or so.  At this point I was convinced that the labor will not go away.  Being GBS positive I knew that I couldn't show up at the hospital at the last second to deliver, but couldn't remember exactly when to come in.  I called and the on call doc said to head that way when they are five minutes apart lasting one minute.   Not there yet- I briefly got in a bath then found myself back in the living room laying over the birth ball.  We were all practicing our roles through these easier contractions.  Kate and Josh were observing me and telling me where I needed to relax.  I was relaxing through them.  At one point, after returning from the bathroom Josh said "you're handling this very well"  I was happy to hear that, but I knew I had a long way to go and it was going to get waaaaay worse.

Somewhere around the 9 o'clock hour Josh called his parents to come over.  I moved to the master bedroom to labor, but not for long because  after they showed up it was time to head to the hospital.  I remember thinking how much I wish I didn't need those rounds of antibiotics because I knew I wasn't far along in the labor at all.

The ride to the hospital was not terrible.   Contractions picked up as we headed off the hospital exit.  We arrived at the hospital at 10:30 pm.  It was cold now.  Really cold.  I got out of the car.  As I was walking in a contraction hit. I wanted to make it inside because it was so cold, but the contraction stopped me in my tracks and I was in a panic as to what to do.  I made it over to a concrete post where I leaned until it was over.  I had settled into a ritual for each contraction at home.  All that was disturbed getting in the car and now at the hospital.  I knew I needed to get to a room fast, be left alone, and find the new ritual. 

The triage room upstairs was terrible.  The checked me in at 5 cm and asked me the questions.  I couldn't find a good position.  I wanted a room!  I had planned to labor in a water works room- meaning big jetted bath tub.  All they had available was a regular room with a small bathtub.  At this point I didn't care, I just knew I needed to be in the water and fast. 

We made it to the room.  The ultrasound machine came in to check position one last time!  Still head down and not posterior. The nurse put in the IV.  After her first try I screamed "that hurts worse than a contraction!!!"  She sarcastically replies:  "Well, that makes me feel really good"  Stupid nurse.  I was there to have a baby not make her feel good! She was the only bad nurse I encountered, everyone else was wonderful.  After a couple more times the IV was in.    It was at that point that the doc insisted that she check me again. I thought this was unnecessary.

11:30pm- 8 cm.  I was shocked, scared, and relieved that I was that far along.  3cm in an hour is pretty good progress.  It hit me that  I'd be pushing the baby out soon.  That was scary and I believe it was a combination of fear and the stressful environment that kept me in labor so long.  I stayed in transition stuck at 8 cm for a long time.  It was torture.  I was in and out of the tub.  Frustrated that the water wasn't deep enough to cover my belly and the tub was too tiny to find a good position in.  I couldn't get comfortable in there.  At one point in the tub I could feel the baby moving down.  We told the nurse who found a doc to check me.  The doc came in saying "get her out of the tub! get her out of the tub!!"  I said "Everybody calm down.  I'm not gonna have the baby in your tub"  They checked me- still 8cm.  It went on this way for a while.  I would convince myself of progress and have them check me still at 8.  Looking back, what I needed was for someone to rip the clock off the wall and tell me they weren't gonna check me anymore. 

Anyway...around the 1am hour with no progress my sister asked about breaking my water which they couldn't do until after the second dose of antibiotics at 2:30am.  Time passed and we pressed them about breaking the water again.  The doc talked to her boss who said the pediatrician would require the baby to stay for observation for 48 hours, keeping us in the hospital on Christmas day.  So there I was in transition, awake for the last 23 hours, having to make a choice of  how long I wanted to be in the hospital.  We decided not to have it broken.  I asked for meds- the nurse says I can't give you anything in your IV because your baby will come out too sleepy.  I opt for the epidural which was administered at 2am.  RELIEF.  I was happy with this.  Josh, still nauseous with a stomach thing, was happier. 

After the epidural we all rested.  That part was wonderful.  Unfortunately with every intervention there is a high risk of more interventions.  I woke up all of the sudden feeling nauseous.  My blood pressure dropped- a common thing with epidurals.  The nurse said "ok, I will give you some ephedrine".  I quickly remembered this happening with my first birth and asked her to please flip me instead of medicating to see if that would help.  I flipped and thank God it worked. 

The doctor came to check me around 4am.  At this point the final dose of antibiotics was in.  My water was still intact.  She broke it and not long after I began pushing.  I remember before pushing I said " I have two requests: #1 Do not shout numbers at me and #2 I have birthed two children with no tearing- please do not cut me"  She says "I'll do my best" to which I replied "I'M SERIOUS: DO NOT CUT ME!!"  I didn't know when to push exactly.  They told me when.  I pushed and nine minutes later at 4:23am she was out.  Allison is first baby I felt any emotion with immediately following the birth.  It was amazing.  Kate's reaction was equally amazing.  I was surprised to feel emotional.  They gave me the baby who looked identical to Alexis.  There was meconium in the amniotic fluid, but thankfully we avoided the NICU- she was fine.

I was not released from the labor and delivery room until 3 pm that afternoon because they were full of moms and babies on the recovery floor.  Finally, Allie and I made it up there.  Shortly after I arrived I noticed on the board it said I was to be discharged on Christmas day.  I would not accept this announced to the nurse that I changed the birth that I wanted in order to leave on December 24th.  She patiently explained that she would do everything in her power to make that happen. 

The kids and Josh came to visit.  There are a few moments in life that are forever remembered and as I stood there watching the big kids look over their baby sister I remember thinking I don't want to miss one single detail.  The kids oohed and ahhed over Allie. Cameron had questions about where my belly went and Alexis thought that I had another baby in there.  They were in love with the Allison holding her very gently and doing everything we asked of them.

Allie had a boarder-line temperature of 100.4 that first night, but despite this we were still able to go home!  I was never so glad to be leaving.  My previous hospital experiences were spa like compared to this one.  I know a lot of people love Mission, but I missed my Omaha hospitals- Methodist Womens and Bellevue Medical. 

The perfectionist in me sees all the things that could have been done differently but at the end of the day, when it is all said and done, I am thankful to have avoided a c-section.  I am even more thankful for the very healthy 7pound 4 ounce Allison Claire Riser. 

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