Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Questions 2014

Here is my attempt at getting Alexis to say cute things this Thanksgiving season.  Cameron says "tur" and "gobble, gobble"

What is Thanksgiving?
It's when you celebrate eating turkeys.

Why is it called Thanksgiving?
Cause you thank everyone and give gifts to them.

What are you thankful for?
My cousin doggie Laila and my family and me.

What are you looking forward to on Thanksgiving?
Playing in Addison's room and dancing and doing stuff like trying to whistle and going camping and eating the dinner turkey.

How do we spell Thanksgiving?

What does a turkey look like?
It's body is round except his feet and it has stripes.  It has fangs, sharp teeth.  Some can have red eyes, some can be a little purple, though.

Why do you think it is tradition to eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
Cause its a special day.

What happened on the first Thanksgiving?
The parakeets came from Asheville.  Alexis is that what your teacher taught you?  They went on a boat.  It was only meant to hold boxes but they went on it anyway, I don't know why.  It was called the Mayflower. Some people taught them how to make corn.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a turkeyrific Thanksgiving with your dear friends. It sounds to be busy with all the camping, dancing, whistling and eating that fearsome looking turkey. The first Thanksgiving story is novel!
