Likes: Cameron is one of the easiest going babies I know. He is content in most situations. He has been crawling since 6 months and one week old. His favorite crawl is similar to the army crawl. He is working to get up on his knees to master the regular crawl. He likes to be around Mommy, Daddy and Alexis. He follows us up and down the hall.
When his sister comes in the room his whole body responds in excitement. That's pretty neat.
He likes to nurse, in fact, when he knows it is time, he practically attacks me to get to the milk.
Cameron does very well in child care situations so far. We are at the YMCA a few mornings a week, the church nursery on Sunday, and have a babysitter at the house 3-4 times a month. He enjoys other babies, especially now that he can get to them on his own.
Dislikes: Anyone who's stressed out. Alexis was crying with her babysitter recently and he joined right in. He is emotionally sensitive. The other day Josh was playing the "fast/slow" game in the car. Alexis loves going fast and I always pretend to not like it by screaming. It's a big production...anyway- Cameron heard me screaming and burst out in tears with loud crying. We're on a mission to toughen him up :)
Last week we found out he is not a fan of the car wash.
Sleeping: Cameron sleeps from 8pm-8am all the way through. Sometimes he wakes at 7:30 or so, but I wait to get him until 8 because I need that time ALONE! He naps from 10:15am-11:45/12:00 and 1:45-4:30.
Eating: He nurses five times a day. 8am, 12pm, 2pm, 5pm, and 8pm. He eats solids three times a day. 8:30am- Oatmeal, 12:30pm a fruit or vegetable and rice or oatmeal, 5:30 rice or oatmeal. After meals I offer puffs or baby mum-mums. He also gets those treats if we are eating out. They are a great time filler! He has liked everything so far.
Signing- Cameron has signed "eat" and "dog" so far. He is close to getting "more". I sign every chance I get. The majority are at the table while he is eating. Alexis enjoys teaching him the signs and asking me "how do you say it with your hands, Mommy?"
Talking- For the most part he is a quiet baby. He laughs more than he talks, which is really fun. Just before seven months he said "bye-bye" to our three year old friend, Addison and her 21month old brother, Caleb. I'm gonna call that his first word.