how far along: 40 Weeks. 1 1/2 cm dilated, 75% effaced, -2 station
how big is baby: The fundal measurement is 37 week. The midwife guesses his weight at 7lbs 3 ounces. She says he is long and in correct position for birth.
weight gained so far: 39lbs. I gained 5 lbs this week!!!!! And I am SWOLLEN!
Belly Button in or out: Halfway in and Halfway out
stretch marks: No, and everyone who has seen my belly (nurses and midwife) comment on how "pretty" it is. I got lucky there...thankfully it's winter so my swollen legs and all their veins aren't showing.
sleep:I get up twice every night around the same time to pee. The rest of the night I spend flipping from one side to the next. Lots of nights I wake up to mild cramping.
best moment of the week: Showing up at Labor and Delivery at 11pm on New Years Eve for monitoring. I was on my way to get ice for my finger which I had burned on hot glue and in the process tripped over the dog. It is standard procedure to get monitored for 4 hours. My favorite part was Josh's sarcastic response to lighten the mood "I guess I should stay here so one of us can get some sleep" Kate, my sister, thought he was serious!!!
food cravings:no
looking forward to: Getting this show on the road. If I am still pregnant on Thursday Jan. 10th at 4:15 pm the midwife will strip my membranes. Hopefully that will get things going. Her advise to me today was: plan something everyday, stay busy, pretend like you'll be pregnant til he goes to kindergarten. In other words- Forget about giving birth and having a newborn. Easier said than done, but I will give it a shot.
I really do believe in the natural route; however I'm finding I was more an advocate for it at 20 weeks than I am now :)