Three Months Old! |
Play dates are fun! |
What? |
All swaddled up! |
First trip to the Zoo |
Cameron is no longer a newborn! Fourth Trimester is over! Can you tell I'm excited? Actually, the newborn phase was not nearly as horrible as I anticipated. Cameron continues to be a affectionate, calm and smiley. Even during his fussy times he manages to laugh and smile in between crying. He makes the funniest sounds that are sometimes even a surprise to him. His eyes are still blue and we think that will stick. Some of his hair has fallen out, but that's okay because new hair is coming in! He is drooling like crazy. It's time to break out the bibs!
Likes: Like all babies he likes to be held. Not only does he like to be held, but he also likes to hold you back. One of his arms is often clutching me. It's so adorable.
Before putting him down for naps and bed I sing "Jesus loves me" and "Jesus loves the little children" Cameron sings and coos along with me. I don't typically enjoy holding babies, but it's hard to put him down when he's being so cute! I'm beginning to understand why some parents give in to their children :)
Dislikes: Being poopy, but who does? Also, sitting still to nurse. He nurses best in a dark room with no noise. That never happens.
Sleeping: Cameron is
a very good sleeper, still. He continues to be swaddled. He is beginning to break out of it, but I am fighting that one as long as I can!
He sleeps at night from 8pm-7am, although, I wake him at 10:30pm to squeeze another feeding in. Sometimes he wakes up at 5 or 6 am. I let him cry or use the pacifier. He goes back to sleep until 7. He takes 4 naps a day.. 8:15-10:30, 11:45-2, 3-5, and sometimes a short one around 6:30.
If I get him down before he's over tired then he goes down without a fuss. If he's overstimulated or overtired there is some crying involved. If it's been a busy day out, I usually swaddle him up and put him in the swing.
Eating: He
nurses six times a day. These are usually the times: 7am, 10:30am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, and 10:30pm. I am nursing instead of bottle feeding at the 10:30 feeding. It's working out great!
Playing: Cameron has a favorite book! The title is: Bubbles in the Bathroom. I can tell he likes it because he is much more focused than some of the other books we read. I try to follow the author, Mem Fox's advice by reading three books a day. One favorite, one familiar, and one new. That's the goal. Cameron is the second child - We don't always hit it.
In the last week Cameron has been rolling over more and more. I wouldn't say he has mastered the task, but I don't expect it since that is more of a four month milestone. He has just begun to do the baby ab exercises where they try to sit up a bit. We think he has athletic tendencies :) I am going to guess that he will be crawling by five months because when we put him in tummy time he tries so hard to move and often moves a couple inches forward. We'll see if I'm right.
I bought a play mat for $8 at the local consignment shop. He really enjoys looking at the faces of the animals and grabbing them down to put in his mouth. Speaking of grabbing- my head hurts because he likes to grab chunks of my hair.
Signing- I started this week. Mommy, Milk, and More.
I remember from Alexis is was very, very slow going at first. She didn't sign back to me until 8 months! BUT, by 12 months it had really paid off. She was signing/speaking over 20 word. It continues to show in her speech today.
Sooooooo, I spend my days repeating and repeating and repeating. Sometimes I get tired of hearing myself talk, seriously.