Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Baby Tools

Listed in no particular are some of my favorite things:

Diaper Genie- Keeps the bad smells away.

Baby Bjorn- Josh and I used this everywhere!  Anytime we were out and at home too.

Infant Travel Bed-  We traveled so much when Alexis was a baby and this came in handy.  I used it in the airport and at restaurants. It doubled as a small play area.

Coffee- For the caffeine.  I drank 16 oz a day while pregnant and an unlimited amount while nursing...It never made a difference in Lexie's behavior.  For that I am thankful.
Pacifier- When babies are little they need to suck.  I wasn't thrilled about being the sole source of sucking.  My babes will always have this available!!!!

High Quality Nursing Bra- Most of mine came from Target, BUT I had one high quality Medela nursing bra that made all the difference in how I felt.  Worth every penny.

Video Camera- To capture all the "moments"

Break Away Sheets- These are useful in case of a major spit up, throw up, or diaper leaking episode.  They snap on the railing of the crib and act as a barrier between the baby and the crib sheet.  Our crib sheet has never been washed due to this lifesaver.

SwaddleMe Baby Wraps- We got a couple as a baby gift and I thought they were the silliest things I'd ever heard of until I tried them.  The baby stays nicely wrapped up.

Nurse Carol- A visiting nurse provided through the local health department. I wouldn't even consider having a baby without a Nurse Carol.  She came once a week when Alexis was a newborn to check growth and help with anything else that was going on.  I'm looking forward to seeing her again soon!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

29th Birthday Fun

First I should begin with a couple of 23 week pregnant shots.  For those who don't want to think about it, that's 6 months :)

 Now for the Birthday fun.... 
A week out, I knew the general idea of the surprise, but didn't know any details.  Saturday at 10 am it began.  Josh gave me five envelopes with Google map directions to a specific address and directions on the back.  I was given strict instructions to not read the directions until I got to the address. Everything I needed for the event was either pre-paid or included with the directions.
A stop at Starbucks for a Pumpkin Spiced Latte. 

Directions to the #2 location- The nail salon.  Josh and Alexis pre-paid this one earlier that morning. Alexis got all excited because she thought she was getting her nails painted- What 2 year old expects these things!??!?!  O, yeah, I created that...oops. 
Resulted in a manicure- 1st time ever with a real color on my fingernails

And a pedicure- My poor feet are always swollen these days :(

Stop #3 was next and by this point I was beginning to really get into it.  At first, I admit, there was a little resistance on my part.  I have a slight control problem that, I felt should not have been confronted on my 29th birthday, or the day after.  That's the honest truth.  Judge away- I deserve it.  Anyway... #3:

One of my very favorite Omaha restaurants
A peaceful lunch.
Because of a slight mix up between #3 and #4 I had to call Josh and get it straightened out.  I knew all through lunch that my next stop was Barnes and Noble to pick up a pre-paid item.  This one really caught me off guard.
Here's what I found. 

This book was written by one of Josh's history teachers at Montreat College and  published in 2009It had come up in conversation one day when we were discussing EMP's (Electromagnetic Pulses- a weapon which could be used to attack America)The book tells a story of how a small American town is affected by an EMP.  I wanted to read it because of the personal connection to the school and location. 

Here's how the author describes Montreat College " A small college, six hundred kids, most of them from small towns across the Carolinas and a few from Atlanta or Florida.  Some of the kids were freaked out by the relative isolation, but most of them grudgingly admitted they loved it, a beautiful campus, a safe place, an old logging trail across the edge of the campus leading straight on up to Mount Mitchell, good white water nearby for kayaking, and plenty of woods to disappear into for partying for some of them, to get around the fairly strict campus rules."

His descriptions of Black Mountain and Asheville are perfect.  They make me miss home.  You all should read the book!

 Stop #5 was home to take a nap, BUT, I could not resist my favorite cookie shop on the way home.   I stopped there to pick up a peanut butter cookie for myself and a couple of M&M ones for Alexis, one of her favorite babysitters, and Josh.

After a short nap Josh and I went to my other favorite Omaha restaurants- Roja.  We made a trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart to pick up a mattress for Lexie's new room, picked up a movie at the local Redbox, and headed home.

What a fun day!!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

22 Down 18 to go

how far along: 22 Weeks

how big is baby: size of a Papaya

weight gained so far: 17 lbs- YIKES!!!

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep: Now that we're home from our never ending east coast trip I am sleeping on schedule.  Night time and one nap a day.  There's no place like home!

best moment of the week: Alexis laid down to measure her belly at the latest appointment.  She's such a cutie!

food cravings: I am hungry all the time- for anything.

looking forward to: I can't believe I'm saying this: Cooler weather.  What has happened to me?

Not looking forward to:Eating more protein.  The nurse practitioner took one quick look at my diet log and determined that I need more lean protein.  She followed that with- "but, if you have to eat bacon and sausage every morning, do it" 
She's right.  Those types of conversations make me feel satisfied that I switched from an OBGYN to a midwife.