Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Day in the Life of Alexis Kate

Nov. 2nd at 8:10 pm Alexis Kate will be 14 months.  Here's what she's up to these days, from her point of view:

6:30 am- I wake up, MaMa! comes to my room and lets me squirm in her bed til she's ready to face the world, or until I start saying "waf-ful, waf-ful" over and over.

6:32 am- I eat my waf-fuls then throw the rest on the floor.  MaMa gets frustrated and tells me to "Get Down!"

 7am- Breakfast has been over for a while, MaMa is busy drinking her pot of coffee while I walk around looking for my "Da-DE" (he is at work)

9am- We get in the car to go somewhere.  I love to go places.  Usually we go to the gym, the library, preschool, MOPS, a playdate, or grocery shopping.  While we are wherever we are I demand the attention of those around me.  I say "Hi" and don't stop until they acknowledge that I am talking!  If they ignore me I scream "Hi" at them until my MaMa says they are being rude, but I still have to use my inside voice. THEN, people will look at us.

11am- My MaMa is really excited that it's naptime.  She sings to me and then prays while I say "amen, amen, amen, amen" in the cutest little voice.

11:05am- I go in the crib and scream.

11:10am- I'm asleep

1pm- I wake up and eat.

1:30pm- Sometimes we go to other playdates, otherwise we stay at home and read books, build blocks, climb of the furniture, and tear the pantry apart.

3pm- I love the mail-man.  He is really nice and sometimes brings us packages.  I get really excited to see the little mail truck.  I go to the gate and say "mail, mail, mail"  over and over.

3:30pm-My MaMa makes me take another nap, cause she's tired.

5pm- I wake up and help MaMa cook dinner.

5:30pm- My Da-DEE!! is home!  I wait at the gate and scream his name excitedly until he reaches the top of the stairs.  Then I collapse into his arms.

5:45pm- We eat dinner together.  MaMa and Da-Dee talk about boring stuff while I throw my food on the floor.  MaMa gets frustrated, says I JUST CLEANED THE FLOOR!, then Da-Dee saves the day...I play until dinner is over.

6:15-  Da-Dee and I play while MaMa gets a break.

7pm- Bathtime!

7:15pm- I get my jammas on, sing some songs, read some books, say "amen" and go to sleep. 

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