Cameron's been with us two months! Time is flying by...too fast sometimes. It's hard to believe we only have ten more months of babyhood to go. Happy two months!
Likes: I am happy to report he finally likes bath time. His favorite place is the baby Bjorn carrier. He also likes and soaks up any attention he gets...especially from his sister!
Dislikes: Being hungry and going to sleep for the night. He is very fussy while trying to put himself to sleep at night. It's hard for him to settle. I could feed him to sleep, but I'm trying hard to start out the right way so we don't have to break habits later.
Sleeping: Cameron is a very good sleeper, so far. He is sleeping from 9pm-6:30/7am straight through! He takes 4-5 naps a day about two hours each. Add that up and you will see he's not awake much.
Eating: He nurses six times a day. These are usually the times: 7am, 10am, 1pm, 3:30pm, 6pm, and 8:30pm. I am pumping at 10:30 and desperately trying to get him to take a bottle then. He's been sucking down an ounce, but it is VERY difficult to wake him. I am committed to trying for another week and six days.
Playing: He is doing well with tummy time and has had the occasional roll over from tummy to back. My friend Kelley says big babies roll early cause they see the crumbs and have to go after them :) She's probably right.
He's pretty strong. Constantly kicking and punching. After putting him down to sleep I often find him in another spot of the crib. We see lots and lots of smiles from this one. It's really fun!