Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2012

22 Down 18 to go

how far along: 22 Weeks

how big is baby: size of a Papaya

weight gained so far: 17 lbs- YIKES!!!

Belly Button in or out:  In

stretch marks: Nope

sleep: Now that we're home from our never ending east coast trip I am sleeping on schedule.  Night time and one nap a day.  There's no place like home!

best moment of the week: Alexis laid down to measure her belly at the latest appointment.  She's such a cutie!

food cravings: I am hungry all the time- for anything.

looking forward to: I can't believe I'm saying this: Cooler weather.  What has happened to me?

Not looking forward to:Eating more protein.  The nurse practitioner took one quick look at my diet log and determined that I need more lean protein.  She followed that with- "but, if you have to eat bacon and sausage every morning, do it" 
She's right.  Those types of conversations make me feel satisfied that I switched from an OBGYN to a midwife.   


  1. What does bacon and sausage have to do with a midwife? Just wondering ;) and 17lbs is great! I'm sure I was at least at 25 by that point. You really do look awesome.

  2. Thanks! I feel like a whale or at least a really really big fish :)
    Sorry- That wasn't clear. She's right about eating more protein. Had I stayed with the OB there would have been no opportunity for a conversation like the one we had until something went wrong. I appreciate that she'd require a diet log, take the time to look over it, and hold me accountable to staying healthy.

    1. Oh ok that makes sense! A food log is a great idea for pregnant ladies actually. Bring on the bacon!

  3. Ewwww to bacon! I wish they made protein bread, protein cookies, and protein noodles.
