Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Alexis Kate's Story- Part Five

I wonder if there's a better word to describe the first trimester?
I was feeling it big time. Good thing my job was nanny (stay at home mom in training) to Kristen, a spunky four year old.

I spent most of those early pregnant days on the couch.  Playdates were my friend.  So was the cold weather that forced us to stay inside, watch Disney movies, and play the Wii.  I have never loved a couch so much.  I have never felt more tired in my life.  My exercise hobby was quickly being replaced with sleep. 

Our bathroom was so dirty that Josh cleaned it.

If you know my husband, then you understand why that one sentence gets it's own paragraph...Anyway- The days were dragging on and on.  At 10 weeks Josh and I went to a lovely marriage conference in Helen, GA.  Josh took notes and said it was great.  I didn't learn anything. I slept.

11 weeks in I returned the beautiful tiny size 4 dress I was planning to wear to Kate's (my sister) wedding.  In it's place I bought a much larger and different style dress.  With the new dress I also had to wear that really uncomfortable body-sucking in material that hides all the fat. 

The 12 week appointment arrived.  Josh was still with us (we still didn't know when he was leaving) so he met me there.  At this appointment the doctor (with the help of his high tech lying machine) guessed the sex of the baby.  He guessed a boy and he was 90% sure.  Had it been the other way around I would have never believed it.  I believed him.  I'm just going to be honest with you.  I was crushed, I wanted a girl.  Really bad.
At the end of the appointment the doctor asked how I'd been feeling.  After thinking about it, I answered "You know, I have been feeling more like myself these last couple of days"  The doctor assured me that I would begin feeling more energetic and told me to have fun with the second trimester.

Hope- a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, is what I was filled with.

To Be Continued...


  1. Ha, yes the bathroom incident is significant! I am so proud and thankful that the 2 of you do not take your marriage for granted. More than I can verbally express. Much Love to you

  2. Just to review, you were pregnant...NOT fat!!
