Josh and Jenn

Josh and Jenn
Est. July 21, 2007

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Alexis Kate's Birth Story- Part Two

So I was pregnant.
Here's what went through my mind for the entire next day:

I am pregnant
There is a growing thing inside me
Weird (it really is abstract when there is no belly)
I feel fat
This was NOT supposed to happen until 2012
We don't have 30K in savings
We don't have the student loan paid off
We didn't take a trip to Ireland
We aren't making double mortgage payments
I haven't reached my half marathon time goal
We don't know when Josh is leaving for training
We don't know when we are moving
We don't know where we're moving
I don't have a real dining room table
Do we tell people?

Many people wait three months before telling their friends and family.  Although we were in shock, we were still excited and thought if something tragic happened we'd want people there to support us.  With our quick decision making (that sometimes gets us in trouble) we decided to tell.

Josh was going through an extensive interview process for his career change, which required the cooperation of our families.  We told each of the Grandparents by calling them and then asking them to check their email for an important form they needed to fill out.  This was the attachment in the email:

They all screamed with delight.  Looking back, I'm really surprised they didn't think we were playing a joke. 


  1. It was so crazy back then to think you were going to be a mom and dad!!! Now it seems crazy to think of you without Lexie:)

  2. It is so wise of you to know that if something tragic happened you would need support. and yes we were EXCITED!!!
